Kyle Shoemaker, a.k.a. Spliff a.k.a. ShaolinShoppe a.k.a. Spliff Tolkien



Drug abuse


In 2023 one of Kyle Shoemaker's numerous phones was lent to someone who he would then go on to attempt to murder. That person, henceforth known as Jane Doe, discovered that Kyle Shoemaker had left his Telegram account logged in. Within that Telegram account was many instances of Kyle Shoemaker talking to a self-professed pedophile and child groomer, henceforth known as Capsule, in an extremely friendly manner.

In one discussion Capsule explicitly told Kyle Shoemaker that he was talking to a 15 year old child and described the victim's body. Kyle said this was "based"1.

Kyle then asked Capsule to see the breasts of a child that had been abused by him. The pedophile was happy to share this illegal media to Kyle Shoemaker.

In another instance Capsule sent Kyle a nude photo of another victim, this time a 13 year old. Kyle at first guessed the victim was 14 years old before being corrected by Capsule. Kyle then stated this was "nice".

In another discussion Capsule repeatedly sends Kyle more child abuse material, this time in zip files named after each victim and their age.

Capsule has sent Kyle his face multiple times. However, Kyle has repeatedly refused to provide this critical piece of information to any law enforcement officer to help take a dangerous child predator out of action.

Screenshots of Kyle Shoemaker's discussion with Capsule are below. Click each image to expand.

Grooming children

We recently got sent a testimony of an underage homosexual teenager who apparently got asked and exchanged nudes with Spliff. All names are censored to keep their anonymity.

Blue is the teenager, red is the interviewer.

All this happened a couple months ago, lasting for up to 5 weeks.



many definitions at, in this context it's believed to be a generic term of approval